Daniel Kirk
My story began in the small town of Emporia, Kansas. Surrounded by a loving family and supportive friends, I embarked on my musical journey.
With schooling in Missouri, then teaching in Kansas City, and now graduate study at Northwestern and Michigan State University, my path continues to unfold in a humbling way. Alongside inspiring students and nurturing teachers, music remains the purpose of my forward momentum.
My perptual pursuit is to find meaning behind the notes and to unlock musical truths and sincerity.
Devotion is serving what we adore; let's do this together.
It's with enthusiasm that I say welcome!
Educator, professional musician, aspiring student, or even musical amateur? However you associate with music does not matter; I'm thrilled that you and I have now connected.
Feel free to paruse information about my story using the tabs above. I'm very proud of the musicians you hear in the media clips; collaborating with them is an honor. If you have any questions, or just want to say hello, please leave me a note below.
I'm happy you're here. Be well and be musical!